Darussalam Online


Aalim course with BA

Year 1-2: Foundations of Islamic Knowledge Introduction to Quranic Sciences: Understanding the structure and themes of the…

Year 1-2: Foundations of Islamic Knowledge

Introduction to Quranic Sciences: Understanding the structure and themes of the Quran.

Hadith Studies: Exploring the collections of authentic traditions and their applications.

Aqeedah and Fiqh: Grasping foundational beliefs and principles of Islamic jurisprudence.

Arabic Language: Developing proficiency in reading and understanding classical Arabic.


Year 3: Advanced Studies in Quran and Sunnah

Tafsir and Memorization: In-depth exploration of Quranic interpretation and memorization of selected chapters.

Advanced Hadith Studies: Analyzing complex Hadith narrations and understanding their contextual applications.

Specialized Fiqh Topics: Delving into specific areas of jurisprudence relevant to contemporary challenges.

Islamic Ethics and Morality: Focusing on personal character development in light of Islamic teachings.

Year 4: Islamic History, Civilization, and Jurisprudence


Historical Context of Islam: Studying the development of Islam and its impact on civilizations.

Advanced Fiqh and Legal Analysis: Analyzing intricate legal issues and deriving solutions.

Comparative Fiqh: Understanding variations in Islamic legal interpretations.


Year 5: Leadership and Practical Application

Community Engagement and Leadership Skills: Implementing acquired knowledge in community projects.

Practical Application of Islamic Principles: Addressing real-world challenges with a nuanced Islamic perspective.

Research and Thesis: Undertaking a research project or thesis on a chosen Islamic topic.

Preparation for Teaching and Guidance: Equipping students for roles as educators and ment

Duration 5 Years

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